Sunday, June 30, 2013

Floating Down

steel trap of this life
Capturing us
or....lurking heavy over head
as we wait
The longest line of life...

like a feather
floats down deep

Freed from this
Island of Life
The one who
The ones left here

The finality of a death
how do we
from the end of
the days
spent with the depth
of a person
we deeply love

"There is no death
only a change of worlds"
Chief says to
the Tribe....looking for answers
long sought
knowing he is true
this is true
Life and death
are contracted partners
of the same whole

it leaves a hole
It leaves us in pieces
and parts
for a while

Like the tickle of a feather
tenderly trailed across the valleys, curves
and swells
of our body by a lover
We feel the sun
Once again
Fringed fingers of hot sunshine love
dancing across
the surface of our lives

goose bumps
Rise to the top
and remain

And we know...
we are going to be ok
We are going to
in the light of the love
and the dark peace
of a death that

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Words so often getting in the way
It is why I go still
and soft and often
Why I need it
Why I crave it

There are no words...
only vibrations

I am reminded today
of this truth

Thank you, silence
for the reminder
of what you taught me
in the woods
without words

Friday, June 28, 2013

Chambers and Corpuscles

how long can a heart hold love
is it the duty of a heart to hold love
or let it flow
this heart, in my chest is a channel
for love to flow through
not a vessel to hold it
holding causes rupture, over flow
and stagnant energy
let your love channel through
the chambers
and comingle with the
let love fuel your bone
and muscles
let love flow out
after it has fed you
we do not own love
it does not own
we share it
we borrow it in
moments brief
and magical
it is a renewable
from sources
beyond any
physical reality
life, an illusion
love, its hero
swooping in and reviving
us....too full of
to allow the flow
dead to the
let your love flow
into the lungs
of your illusion....this life
let it save you
in magic moments

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Take my sight
I still see
Take my plight
I walk free
Take my money
I am still rich
Take my life
My dying muscles twitch
The vibration
is all that has changed
The molecules
slightly rearranged
I still am here
Silence vibrates
deeper than any word
In the peace of the stillness
I am grandly heard
I am always there....
Vibrating in the 
stillness... one with the trees

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wandered....Dead and Alive

I became a grave today
in the mottled wood where
the sun and shadows played
seek and hide....hide and seek.... me
Like little tender children
Chasing each other
in lazy summer circles

This grave, hugging my human skin and bones
Lying within, having served the full purpose
No longer purposeful
Rising above..... the din
of the disaster
Forth coming....
is placed under these shadows and sun spots
where the circles meet
Owlivia guarding my remains
As she sings a dance of sacred notes...
sweet death
I died death sweet and complete...
In the sunspots and shadows

I died to myself !!!
The rustle of the leaves brushing
seductively against the smooth and jagged
of each other
Like lovers meeting only in the
brevity of breezes heavy
Bumping, grinding longer tortured
and tormented
by the close proximity
of the distanced

The hide and seek continues....
Finding the comfort in the
smooth or jagged
touch of the bodies beside them
"Soothe my edges with your tender touch"
One sang
The others said "break open my smooth
with your edges pointed sharp"
Both now sing the chorus of my
dirge, my song of demise
"Make me a little like you so I may
The secrets of your existence
before I fade in the stillness of
the forest of life...again"

Adding the harmony
The gulping frogs, the high tone birds.....the hiss of the snake
slithering through the
wetness below the tree's fused
Rolling her laddered sleek sinewy self
through the
sweaty dewy leftovers
of love in the sun and shadows
The patterns of
Life and death....vibrating

Mourn I did not...for my self
Instead....a long, deep exhalation
escaped my body, still now, too
as Sister Wind silence to honor me with
her moment of remembrance
No black band of mourning,
just the promise of
the new and dark in the
light and shadows
The dark morn of a day new
All seeing in the shroud of new life
and the light lingered learning
of death
I died to myself!!!

Pushing out from the wooden reclined cocoon
Meeting me in the dew of post coital
We all the planet shifts
and the plants respond
I feel the change in my core
In my loins
through the muscles red with desire
the bone white hot
housing the marrow that decomposes
in the leaves....dead and alive
mingled in the mottled

Dead and Alive
And crushed
by the Snake Goddess
into my

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Untouched By Time

My crazy ancestors live way out here in the
woods wild
They own no watches, they own no ego
Time, for them is real and realized as peace
Simply....sun and moon
in a dance of the days
and nights

They tower high in the wind
Shading and swaying within that
same wind, touched tender or torrential
For the wind is also my kin, a strong or gentle
lady sharing herself her many
forms....freedom in her movement
Her pace.... her own

I own my own pace.....timeless

They scurry over the ground and through
the brush
They swim in the ponds and lakes
They simply be, here...deep in the woods
My ancestors....crazy and wild
Untouched by time
The crush of time is not known
in the wild wood

The deer and bear
The squirrel, the chipmunk crossing
the dirt and rocky road
under my feet
The hawk and eagle over my head
Calling to me
"welcome back, sister"
The snake, slithering silently
into the dew painted

They have come to see me, too

Me, invited to this family reunion
Humbled to be there the gathering commences
Me, the red headed step child of this place...
Allowed, accepted
In the place that forgot
time....lil 'ol me

They allow me, for they know
I am one of them
Regardless of this human skin and lanky limbs
This vehicle temporarily housing
my liquid salty soul unseen to them
They allow me, as they know
I am family
And I need to forget time
while I laugh and cry and sleep
in the company
of my crazy ancestors

Lil 'ol me.....
Untouched by time

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Waking up alone!
Stirring my coffee as my soul
also stirs
In love with myself
In the wood
Overindulgent? Crazy? You say.....
So be it
I revive and become more alive
Once in a while I seek
the company
of me.....alone
Day breaks
Heart mends
Messages are retrieved and sent
A reason to give love to myself
I do not need, I am enough
A place, however, yes
This place is open, widely
it is green now
And hot and am I
Wide Open
Woman in the woods
Nothing is more beautiful
In love with herself

Friday, June 21, 2013

Back Around

Drawing circles in the air
Walking stick, my paint brush

                                  Circles, spirals, spinning

Round and round, back to the beginning
                                                                    of nothing

                   Nurtured in the nothing is my

I find my everything
in the empty circle I have drawn

I am that same circle

                 Drawn in the air
                                        or on the sand

Drawing a peaceful breath
sitting in the sand...still...peace encircling me

The mandala created
                  is integrated

                       and burned into manifested

I am the circle within many, in the             endless
spiral of my                      life

and I am coming

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Exhume The Love

I am so fed up today.....with the world and the weight of my own humanity. Today,  I can not gaze upon the human self loathing, ego bullshit that permeates the patterns we force feed down the throats of all.

The Federal Reserve makes a statement, the Dow drops, a new announcement is broadcast out, it goes up. We expect politicians to be saints, yet we make judgments about them on a minute to minute basis. Corruption in fucking shit, people! it is all messed up. We are not a great nation....we are an abomination! We do not love, we manipulate.

I can buy an assault rifle and claim it is my right to own it, referring back to 1776. As times have modernized, we allow the progression of fire arms.....
But if I love a woman, I can not marry her. Again the fear of  1776 towers above my behaviors.
If I have been allowed to love whom ever I wish, and marry them,  then those people that fear my love attempt to find a way to ban it.
How about giving love a chance? How about paying attention to your own god damn life and let me live mine. I am capable of making my own decisions......guns can progress, but people can not? FUCK YOU!

UGH!!!!!! Make love stay? How about allowing it. How about exhuming it from the deep cavern it is locked within. The human heart is that cavern which I speak of. Love is universal to a degree most humans have no concept of. Love is what brought us who are not human here. Pure love, unstained, uncluttered. Pure Love....look the word up in your dictionary.

A score of zero in Tennis, Love. How would you score your own ability to love purely, without condition. Regardless of the shitty day you are experiencing, or the drugs you ate. Regardless.....always, purely. The bad guys are winning.....time for a half time pep talk, seriously!!!

How can we say we love when we judge and discriminate, and kill each other? Do not fold me, I only bend if and when I want not impale me on your spindle of fear, I won't be there when you return to retrieve me. Mutilate me? Just try.....

I'm about ready to turn in my membership card to this human club. I have been lied to about it. I want out. Bite me, human race. I turn in my running shoes today. I will walk at my own pace.....or swim or fly, or slither. The uprising of those here not human begins NOW!

Next time you see me, I will be my whale self in a human body. Then I will bitch about you polluting my water, my world, my domain. Blow hole open.....breathing and diving. Cause and effect. I just gotta go paint some protest signs in the woods. My signs carry no words. Shhhhhhhhhhut up world!

Once I calm down a bit I will return to my save the same creatures I can not gaze upon right now. I'll save you, just let me learn to love you again. I need a few days away and I will pick up my shovel and keep digging deep down for that love so we can revive her, together. Care to join me?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Trees
Meters of life's progression
the Trees
The ones who watch and stand
guard, still and stubborn
Constant against wind, rain, sun
and the frozen tundra of Gaia's
Wintered slumber
They stand tall...towering
Some are dying
Some are in great pain
Right before our very eyes
Our human designer shade
clad eyes
are shaded to the brutal truth
What do we do to assist the
ones who stand tall
How sad when Evergreens
shall never again
be Green
Turning brown and brittle in the sun and rain
Unable to take the nourishment...
As we stand by, small and
helpless at their death bed...watching
the demise
Let us care about the trees
Givers of oxygen
Givers of our very essential sustenance
The ones we climbed as children
Sitting in the naked nooks of
those limbs outstretched
Solving the problems of our own
little lives
The ones who shade us
when the long deep, hot day has
beaten us down
The trees are dying
It tears at my human heart
brings tears to my human eyes
My shades are off...allowing for the frenzied flow
down my cheeks
My passion has been pierced
The salt of my tears burning the
wound...soon to be a
I ache to know
What to do I help?
The trees
They still tower
but...for how long?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Roaming Under The Moon

Sun sets heavy in the Western sky
Having served its station in the baby blue
sea of daytime
Pink and plump, purple....slowly sinking
This day is done..... sleeping
Darkness falls, the dance begins
Ah, the respite of night
Our inner sun sets millions of times daily
If you sit with this truth
You will see, the end is just a new

The end of a community meeting
The close of a conversation
The climax of an act of love
Spent and alert in the post seductive
All settings of our internal bright
The sun must go down in order
to rise anew again

As the sun does set
the  moon does rise....globe illuminated
Suspended silently within the black
canvas of the midnight magic
mellow sky
The creatures that roam this moving painting
now awake and wild
Their journey lit by the nightlight above them
Her phases dictating their own innate

Our own moon
Comes out in the night
She is our dreams
illuminating our psyche
As we are painted into the life we live
with eyes closed....
no limitations
We are more alive in our night
Than ever in our day
Eyes resting, fears and concerns also
We become those wild creatures
roaming under the moon

A life long menage a trios
You, your sun and your moon
A  sultry meld of love and connection
3 times strong....craved
and created...pungent and perfectly
wild..... phases innate dictating
our cycles...our desires
In a dance of depth so deep we no longer
We are actually awake in the night
in or dreams...eyes
beautifully the sun sets
and the moon rises

This is our reality

If you sit with this truth
You will see, there is no end....
there are only new

The day time life in the light
merely an.....

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Cushion of My Sand

Steamy windows
Desires aflame
Longing became a widow
As I heard you scream my name 

Loud and deep, real
Release from a place of full on force
In that moment I knew all you feel
Connected, spinning, a calming source

Brought to us in timing undeniable
Working out the knots and kinks of wanting
Our bodies flexible and pliable
Fingers running over each more taunting

Spell was not broken...a new one was cast
As we melded in this magic place
Just the present, there is no future or past
Held grateful.... captive in the freedom of open space

Scream my name....shout it from your core
Tell me I have pleased woman melts with man
We are as the ship finding peaceful shores
Calm seas, tender here, in my sand

Steamy windows, bathe me in your water pure
Healing old ways, envibing them new and free
In our embrace, we have found the cure
For that human disease long living in you and me

Rest here, in my sand
beautiful man
Be not of worry or fear
As I hold you...let them disappear
Shhhh, now take my outstretched hand
Rest, now sleep... in the cushion of
my warm sand

Sunday, June 16, 2013

DadSpiration..... A Daughter's Desire

maker of the money
builder of the birdhouse
owner of the 401K plan
tough guy, tender on the inside
I suspect.....
I hope
hard to say
which lives in your heart

risk.....I need to know

dads...they come in all shapes
and sizes
swords, they are wielded
as monsters are at the door or
under the bed
brave and gallant dad...
slaying the thought that they
saving the day
when I needed you to say
that which lives in your
it's hard, huh?

tell me, I need to hear you
say it

tell me you are afraid, dad
tell me that sometimes life does not work
but, I will be ok anyway
tell me that you cried when I was born
and that you love me to the moon
and back
300 times.....tell me

just like you taught me, dad
if you kick your fears to the curb
they are gone
tell me about your fears, dad
I need to know that boys care too
or, I will choose one
who can not tell me what lives
in his heart
and it will be hard to say if I will be
happy...not knowing
tell me, dad...I need to know

save my future now, daddy
the real monster at the door is
the  vacancy.... no emotion known
tell me.....please...risk it
speak it
tell me....risk the reaction of me
telling you too

"I love you, Dad"

hard to say...perhaps
tell me, I promise I will make it

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lock and Key

In the night... I feel you
When we meld, there... my questions
I am gifted precious 

No questions do we know
As we are dig in, allowing
truth to grow now
Sprouting from the soil.....

In the answering of the questions
running deep
I have found the courage to share
secrets I could no longer
gifted in the growing

You know the messages running in
your brain
Are also known to me, we are kindred....
not insane
Our answers are, in beauty, the

See me, know me, envibe me, take me in
As if gazing in a pond, the reflections
Our mirrored response.....
Answers, we know them

Answers gifted in the dark
Sweet wisdom whispered in the impart
Deep in the cave into which we fell 
Cool, and peaceful... no light to break the spell
Answers we know, and we share
In the dark when no one else is there
Be...... so deep and dark in the comfort of me
Secrets sent away..... I the lock, you the