Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Haunts of the Past

Does the past come creeping into your thoughts and tie your belly into knots?
What has so much power, still.....that it cripples you in your steps...instantly?
Has there been a moment of clarity when you had a brief glimpse of the truth....
Perhaps this person, place or thing  that owns your power is not even aware of it!

You gave your power away in a pretty package, all wrapped up as an unwanted gift and presented fully to the one you fear, and they have no idea they walk around with what is rightfully yours!
What do you do????

RECLAIM your power, visualize yourself with this person or event and TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!
Then, the other person no longer carries the weight of your energy that was forced upon them, and you become more whole, instantly!

Off with you into meditation, and reclaim those parts of yourself you gave away. Do this as many times as you need to, in as many meditative situations as you need to.  No one else can do this for brave, be assertive, be aggressive if it is called for!  GO........Go......NOW!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In Love with Life!

It is such a magical time in my life right now! I realized that this should be shouted from rooftops and printed on the front page of major papers!

This just in:

As Dan says, love makes her play and never leaves, even though the hands are not ours to choose.We may win, we may lose, but there we are! We play the hands we are dealt and we try again if we walk away from the table defeated.

So it is with life. In these times we find ourselves in it is often so difficult to see the crack of light at the bottom of a closed door. We may miss a blessing as we are reeling from a bitter curse. We may completely forget that life is a miracle, a gift and a grand adventure.

So, to sum this up, I would like to ask you to be willing to allow the light to bust the door wide open and to expect good stuff in the midst of the heaviness of everyday life. When your royal flush is discovered, played and revered, spread some of the love around that comes with owning a winning hand, even if it is only once in a while!

May you find joy in your life today. I share mine with you gladly, freely and happily NOW!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's them, not you

Lonely makes people do silly things.....they lie, they cheat, they present themselves falsely. They want you to stay, so many have left them before.

Will you stay if you know their real self?
Will you return when you walk out the door?
If you knew the truth would you love them?

When you are mistreated by another person, do a quick inventory......most times you will find they reacted or acted in a certain manner because of THEM not YOU.

Before you react, think.
Before you assume you are the problem, look for the solution.
Owning a lie that is not yours to own helps no one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I saw myself reflected....

Life, is it moving in the direction you had hoped it would?
Are you cryin?
It's ok to long as the tears teach you something.

Tears are deep teachers
 as they drop, they cleanse
As they cleanse, they open
As they open, they heal

If life isn't going your way
sit down and have a good cry
with yourself
See where you are then

In the reflection of your tears
you can find
your soul's true direction
and even.... peace

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Past

A friend I made
A dark friend
A revealing friend
A journey of trepidation
we began

She bestowed upon me
through hindsight
She taught me that fear is
unnecessary as an enemy

Fear, we befriended together
AH! The peace I possessed
Standing in the healed fear
that froze me in my steps before...

I embraced my past
and she has proven
to be the steadfast companion
I was searching for

A subtle glance behind me
was the unreconciled  key
to allowing myself...
forward  movement

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Following Pathways....dedicated to my friend, Sharon

If you want me to follow
give me your truth
Follow you, I shall...
if it honors me to do so
The soul that leads must be
real, mature, unencumbered
by ego, fear and false pride
The soul in front takes the bullets
with no complaining
But, instead, with knowledge that they
protect those behind
To lead is not to be held up high
but rather to be stricken down
for the cause if need be.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fight No More

I am a true lover of the BLUES! Dan loved them as well and he knew that the Blues are not always a down thing. Blues music is feeling music, real we all relate to! So, be you up, down, loved, will always find a connection in the Blues.

For lines on a map
For my right, your wrong
Are we not all right in our own 

What if we knew that we are
all One Mind?
We are all connected
We all influence each other

What if we communicated
Did what is best for

What if the word
Never existed
Only We

If we said we
more often
would we wage war?
Or peace?

We need peace
War does not serve
Wage Peace, so
We are free to


Friday, April 8, 2011

Tear the walls down....

Again, I head into uncharted waters. Not often at all do I raise politics as a topic in my writing. HOWEVER...with the current events in Washington, as soon as I heard this song present itself....I knew we'd be goin here today.

I am integrating Native Indigenous practices into my life. I have always been drawn to Nature, the deep calling of silence and the deep knowing that we are all connected, equal and therefore all responsible for each other..... each person, plant, creature, etc. We are all on the same level and worthy of being respected.

Women in general and Gaia, our Mother Earth, are held in the highest places in Native culture. Gaia is our mother, we all came from her and are here because of her. We care for her as we would our own mother, as my friend Gene cares for his mother, completely, fully, on all levels. If we take from her endless bounty, we give back. We offer her our tobacco, our love, our commitment to continue to care for her.
If Gaia is injured, we heal her. NEVER would it even be thought of to cause injury to her of our own hands.That thought would not be honored or allowed for that matter, and not because of a law on the books, but because of the inner law of wisdom and respect. Why would a people destroy the very life that sustains them?

Women carry the ability to create life within themselves. Because of this gift and biological function, they are held in special regard within a tribe, a family, a gathering. The creators and ones who birth the future generations are cherished.

When I heard the news that the two issues standing in the way of political compromise are the environment and women's health, I was reminded how separated we truly are. How can a person own this false logic "Let's destroy the ground we walk on and the ones who bring us the future, if they so choose to. Sure, let's drill and damage and rape and pillage, and deny and destroy.....why not"?

I send healing out to the minds that believe that destroying something is in their best interest. As they line their pockets with unequaled wealth, they feel strong and mighty and in control. The sad truth is that destroying this planet, destroys us....eventually. It matters what we do to our Mother Earth or the mothers in our tribe,  because it effects us all and impacts future generations to come.

We had better change as a collective group, people.....let us tear down the fortresses that keep us separated. Let us not build walls, but rather futures where all are free to connect, roam and take in the bounty of creation, new life, new beginnings, choices and TRUST.

I stand for a woman's right to choose, a person's right to protect the land, the air and the future and the fact that we are all connected......we are all equal, and it MATTERS,  what we do to each other MATTERS.

I want to make my actions matter to the positive. And , please know:







Thursday, April 7, 2011

The AMAZING Human Spirit!

Willing to love...

I often write about the idiosyncrasies of being human in a less than favorable light. It is not that I don't respect people or cherish many of them. It is actually that I see so much self doubt and fear in people who cross my path, or in clients who I meet along the way in my healing practice. The truly astonishing part of all of this is when I am able to witness an awakening of a person's inner truth, their inner wisdom and their soul. The day the light goes on and guides them to themselves is a gift I am so humbled to receive over and over again. When we realize we really are enough on all levels, the true art of living can begin!!

Dan speaks in this song about finding the one person who possesses the soul that sings to his and his alone. It took him some time to find this soul, and along the path he chose to follow, he encountered other loves, but not the "one" until he met Jean. She was a gift to him, and he to her. The family of Dan holds her in the highest esteem and regard, not only because she is a stellar human being, but because she gave so much to Dan, who gave so much to us. We know he was fulfilled, loved, happy and free and it showed! He could guide his life by the star she shined in the sky for him. As he sailed into his final days, she was there to assist his transition to another place........and now she carries his lantern into the future.

I am always amazed at the depth and quality of the human spirit! It is that part of us that is least human, I believe.....a spark of the creator within us. The willingness to love holds no boundaries for so many of us. In turmoiled times, in times of rejoicing, we love, relentlessly, strongly, purely.

I know beautiful souls who are walking alone right now, yet they know within themselves that somewhere out there, in the vastness of our existence...there beats a heart that is also ready to love. This heart beats a cadence in rhythm with their own, and one day, they shall discover each other. You can ask them and they will say "I know my soul mate is out there"

The Human Spirit is a natural wonder of the world.  Today, I honor all of my fellow 2 leggeds who are waiting for the guiding light that leads them home to shine so they can follow. I honor the deepness of their trust and the passion of their souls. I honor their tenacity and their ability to allow the inner knowing they posses.

I honor you,  brave and wise friends who walk alone.....and I want you to know, I love you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slow down and reflect

Running through the years....

As I sit here writing, listening and reminiscing, I am reminded that life is very much a cycle, a circle, a never ending process that transports us, challenges us and heals us.... if we allow it.

Looking backwards now and again and taking time to welcome the opportunity to do this is essential, really, to our growth. As we move forward, often times in what feels like quicksand, we can return to times when we moved easily or when a similar trial brought us to great revelations.

I have not fully ascertained the purpose of pain in our lives, but I do know that as humans obsessed with superlatives, we need the bad and the ugly to even begin to appreciate the good. In this truth is the reality that we learn to accept, allow and truly cherish the good times in life. The good times.....the birth of our kids, the laugh shared between friends, the hugs offered and received when we need them. Think about you offer hugs in peaceful times as well as times of turmoil? Do you give to yourself as well as to others? Many times , we pay more attention to the preventive maintenance of our cars than the maintenance of ourselves, our souls and our energies.

In the reflective spaces of my soul today, I can acknowledge pain as a formidable teacher, guide and awareness builder. Some day, I hope to return to a place where pain is not necessary, but for right now, I honor its place in my life. Today I can truly own this.