Thursday, April 7, 2011

The AMAZING Human Spirit!

Willing to love...

I often write about the idiosyncrasies of being human in a less than favorable light. It is not that I don't respect people or cherish many of them. It is actually that I see so much self doubt and fear in people who cross my path, or in clients who I meet along the way in my healing practice. The truly astonishing part of all of this is when I am able to witness an awakening of a person's inner truth, their inner wisdom and their soul. The day the light goes on and guides them to themselves is a gift I am so humbled to receive over and over again. When we realize we really are enough on all levels, the true art of living can begin!!

Dan speaks in this song about finding the one person who possesses the soul that sings to his and his alone. It took him some time to find this soul, and along the path he chose to follow, he encountered other loves, but not the "one" until he met Jean. She was a gift to him, and he to her. The family of Dan holds her in the highest esteem and regard, not only because she is a stellar human being, but because she gave so much to Dan, who gave so much to us. We know he was fulfilled, loved, happy and free and it showed! He could guide his life by the star she shined in the sky for him. As he sailed into his final days, she was there to assist his transition to another place........and now she carries his lantern into the future.

I am always amazed at the depth and quality of the human spirit! It is that part of us that is least human, I believe.....a spark of the creator within us. The willingness to love holds no boundaries for so many of us. In turmoiled times, in times of rejoicing, we love, relentlessly, strongly, purely.

I know beautiful souls who are walking alone right now, yet they know within themselves that somewhere out there, in the vastness of our existence...there beats a heart that is also ready to love. This heart beats a cadence in rhythm with their own, and one day, they shall discover each other. You can ask them and they will say "I know my soul mate is out there"

The Human Spirit is a natural wonder of the world.  Today, I honor all of my fellow 2 leggeds who are waiting for the guiding light that leads them home to shine so they can follow. I honor the deepness of their trust and the passion of their souls. I honor their tenacity and their ability to allow the inner knowing they posses.

I honor you,  brave and wise friends who walk alone.....and I want you to know, I love you.


  1. Thank you Harmony! I so needed to hear/read this. I love you too.

    Big hugs,


    p.s. can't wait till Monday! :)

  2. I <3 you, Julie! You have been such a gift in my life! Yes, Monday, bring on Monday!!!!!
