Sunday, March 30, 2014

In Loving Color

The long laddered lines of love
Strewn as shadows thrown from the slow burning sun
Rest on the ridges and the rivers of my life

I have loved long
I have loved wrong
I have loved brief
I have loved sweet
I love you

Reflections presented in the pastels of our past
In the cast of the shadow play
Bring the reality.... our color wheel is a meld
of the moments of the greatest love story never told

I have loved covertly
I have loved overtly
I have loved where the pines shed their cones
I have loved so deeply alone
I love you

I tell you now, in this peaceful place of confession
Love becomes the creature we create
What have we birthed from the fire of our loins
Forged from the depths of love awakened
Is our scion.....we name her Rainbow Array
She....the long laddered lines of our souls........
In loving Color


  1. Didn't you mean to say, I have stalked covertly and I have stalked overtly. Did Dan Fogelberg ever stalk and cheat on his spouse? Maybe I should ask his wife...
    You have NO idea what love truly is. You are only wrapped up in your own self importance.

  2. No, I am in no way stating any thing about Dan. Your opinion of me is none of my business.

  3. true, my opinion is my own. But your "livelihood" is to offer healing to people and reputation is everything. Actions have consequences. Sometimes one is not always prepared for the unforseen consequences of their actions. Are you prepared when the true Harmony/Amy as I knew you is exposed?

  4. Stalking seems to be your forte. Turn the mirror to yourself.

  5. Floridagal...not sure why you feel the need to harass Harmony and her intentions while not revealing who YOU are.

  6. First of all, it's "unforeseen." You should always doublecheck your spelling before insulting someone. Didn't your mama ever teach you that? For shame. Secondly, "snipers" are notorious cowards: you can't get a rise out of her any more when you make a snarky comment while identifying yourself, so you try to go "undercover," with the childish notion that somehow you'll be playing with her head. It's a shame that your life is so empty that you must create drama in order to feel alive. I really pity you.

  7. It is obvious she is not a writer. A real writer chooses rhymes to add flow. Plus, these poems are part reality, part embellishment. Anyone who looks at the DDs as gospel is mistaken. We all know an artist embellishes their art.

  8. Too funny. Way to deflect. Truth will come out regardless.

  9. I have told you the same thing before. Just because you think it is about something you think it is about, does not make it so. We are finished with this "conversation". Those who threaten others are only afraid of themselves.

  10. First of all, I have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you think I am someone that I am not. Those who use the word "threaten" as a defense to mask the truth are the ones that are afraid. Yes, this conversation is over.

  11. Hiding behind a fake name is not truthful. Tell me who you are and then we can have an open discussion.
