Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Purple Soul Rising

She slid down in the black of the night
Laughing manically at the pain of life
In the perfect pink of the morn
life may look more welcoming

In the ruddy red of the moment
she feels the heat and the passion
that once was alive and vibrant
It has died a deep death as she watched helplessly

In the white hot truth
she sinks
And is lost in the grief of her decisions past
and the ones she makes today

The green of the lost lust shines
around her
Blinding her until she no longer

And the tears come
Tracing the contours of her face
as the deep cocoa brown of her eyes
steams down that beautiful face

The tears create a pool
her hostage heart is drowning in
And her Purple Soul
knows it must rise and become new once more

Using her missteps as stepping stones
She gathers her scattered strength
Placing the first stone before her bravely
She names this stone PEACE

And she steps upon it........