Friday, January 24, 2014


Met myself in a warm and
She asked me a question simple
in its flow
Yet the answer I did not immediately

"What do you give me?"
Was her deep yet simple

She asked it in perfect metered 
as I rose
to step
away from her, certain our
time had come to an end
this day

I turned to gaze into her eyes, my
Looking for a glint that she might be
joking, lightly teasing
This was no joke, her silence told me

"It is I, too, who must live with your
choices, your decisions
I, being the you who lives inside
The you of the outside must walk
the roads
This synergy of us is out there in
the rocks
and the sun and the snow
making it day to day
moment to moment
joy to joy
heartache to heartache
I am here to guide us deeply
in the ways not of the
physical world you trudge

"So, tell me....what do you gift to us?"

I became perplexed, anxious
Fearing I may make a mistake
Fearing I may utter the wrong words

My answer came as the hawk flew over
our blanket on the soft green grass
of the ground where we
"I will give you wings" I whispered
"I do not need your wings, I am free"
she shouted

Running the grass between my trembling
fingers, I spoke again
"I will give you roots" I sang
"I need not the roots, I am deeply rooted now"
she returned

A tear fell to my face.....the task seemed so
As the eagle passed over on the
current of invisible air without a sound
I knew what we needed, what she

Lowering  my head in humble gratitude
I said....
"I will give you my throat, so that you may
sing our truth from this place
of peace"

She was still, perfectly still
Sister Wind came and wrapped
around us
I waited for a response, stillness
met me, silence over took
I once again, looked upon my
own eyes
Tears of joy rolled and rushed 
down the
contours of her face
They formed a pool of blue
between us

She gathered her self and spoke....
"This is all I could ever ask for"
"Thank you, let us begin this very

I found myself back where I had begun
no longer in my meditative
face to face

I rose, taking my station
in front of the mirror
on my wall
As I gazed into our eyes
she again spoke to me

Her first truth from my
(and I quote)

"I am enough, always in all ways"

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