Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Full Circle Ceremony

Today, we honor the 7 directions……later, I will ask you to move with me in full circle as we connect to the 4 directions.

We begin with the Creator…..the one who respects us when we work and so loves us when we sing. We are blessed in the connection to this energy that fills all spaces and is seen to our eyes and in our souls in nature, in the kind acts we share between us, and in the joy and pain we feel collectively right now in this very moment.  And in Dan’s music, the lyrics and melodies we know so well in our DNA. We honor the Creator and are blessed.

We honor Father Sky who rains and shines and houses the stars that reflect back to him via the sea. He holds the moon and brings us the promise of each new day with the rising of that beautiful orb, the sun. When we gaze upon him we know we are all looking to the same place, the place where we know true freedom, soaring on the Gypsy Winds that make the leaves of the trees sing. You can hear them singing right now. We honor Father Sky and are blessed.

We feel our feet upon our Mama Earth as we connect and blend with all other life here, our brothers and sisters. We allow our grounding to her and thank her for supplying this respite place for us all. Here, Now and forever more. We thank her for supporting us, creating for us, holding us. May we give this love and support back to her, as she so desperately requires it now, this is the true way to honor her. We honor you, Mother Earth….and you bless us.

We begin as we face the River, which places us in the East. It is in the East that the new day dawns in an endless cycle that sustains us. Feel the energy of us all here, NOW, in this place along the majestic River that flows endlessly, always. Our souls melt into this river as we take our place on her shore. We honor the newness of the day, because there’s really no way to say no, is there? Our hearts say yes to this awareness in unison as evidenced by our pilgrimage here, knowing no other way…now. We honor the EAST, and are blessed.

Turn a quarter turn now to the South, the direction of the flowing river…….the South brings us new life in the plants and trees, the shelter and the nourishment they provide so elemental to our lives. We have all come together to grow the garden of Legacy, we care for this garden as a group, a family of the soul. We honor the SOUTH and are blessed.

Next, we turn a quarter turn again to the West, the place where the sun goes to sleep, the place where the veil between this world and the spirit world is very thin.  As the Eagle flies in the Western Sky, into the setting sunset, we bless and honor those who have flown away…..leaving feathers now and again to show us the way. One day, we too, will find peace here, in the setting of our own sun. Here we honor our mentor, the one who has brought us here, NOW….feel and know all that he has given us. We are so blessed, and we honor Dan for walking the path he knew he must walk. One person does make a difference; let us make a difference as well.
We honor the WEST, and are blessed.

Ah, we complete the full circle as we turn to the North where the snow falls to cover us, giving us that hunker down time our souls need so much. We honor the peace that comes with the stillness of winter time. And, when we all turn to head home from this journey, may we honor and be blessed by the snow that turns to rain drops that flow from our eyes as tears.  Let us taste their salt and know that they represent the flow and the love we all create here, there and everywhere that we allow our connection. We let our love shine, out from this place always…in all ways. We honor the NORTH and are blessed.

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