Monday, October 8, 2012

Allow It!

Ah, the age old that we love, how do we make love stay? Here's the Harmonic take on this !

Do we or can we ever make anything stay? Everything morphs and grows and transitions; changes.
We ALLOW love to stay, we DECIDE to love through all that the world gives us...the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as the extraordinary. Love is a decision, not an emotion. When you decide and know you love someone, that is a very special day indeed.

The reality then, is that you love through the emotions; the joy, the peace, the ecstasy, the fear, the anger, the projection, the what ifs, and all else that is real or conjured in your mind. You've got a partner now, allow them to be a partner. The right one will know anyway, so risk and speak the words they know you must speak so they can speak theirs. It's like a dance, a dance of trust, respect and communication.

Love, the one thing that humans strive so deeply for can also be the one thing they fear more than anything. That has always perplexed me about "us".

Let's do this:

Be Honest, in all ways. If I have decided to love you, trust that I will love you even if you share your truth with me. Let me show you how I love, unconditionally, fully....can you handle that?

Allow yourself to be honored

Show up, you have made a decision to love as well, right?

Ask for help when you need it and I will too.

Be brave, LOVE! Love as a verb, as a way of life, as a paradigm.

Do this and love will not only stay, but it will grow and nourish. You will find you will flow and fall in love many times over with each other, because you decided to be there in the reality of the day.

Live the mystery of mingled love, allow it to be the best decision you have ever made!

What's your decision about love today?

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