Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting for Wisdom?

The Dreamer
I was a Dreamer, I was free to dream when I was small in stature, yet large in possibility! Before a person that towered above me told me I was a silly pants, or a goofy head, or I needed to grow up. Before someone took my innocence and walked all over it as if I had laid a carpet out before them. I wonder what I thought when I was told to grow up.."Hmmm, why would I want to grow up so fast and be like you? Closed minded, worrisome, ulcer ridden stomach in knots....drink in hand cause life is so tough, wrinkles and wage wars and depression". 
I was a Dreamer once.

         The Fool......
I have many times been the Fool, and I do suppose I shall play that role again soon. I prefer now to be the Fool's understudy.....only going on if absolutely necessary.
The Fool can teach lessons quickly if we are bold enough to learn them......quickly. Often times we walk with the Fool inside us over and over, traipsing back and forth, here and there, the Fool openly stumbling through life. One glorious day the light does finally go on, and "TA-DA"...lesson learned.

Some lessons take a second, some a lifetime. If we accept our Fool and allow her to teach us, all the better! "Lessons learned are like bridges burned, you only need to cross them but once". How many times have you attempted to cross that same bridge, paralyzed with fear....smelling the burned, charred, dead wood? Do you wish it whole again because going another way is just not an option you see in front of you? I say to you in times like that.....TURN AROUND! The way may be in another direction and you will not know until you expand your view, your options, your choices.  
In the turning is the growing!

 The Sage
The Dreamer and the Fool become the Sage with time. Like a fine wine corked, stacked and tilted in the dark until the perfect time presents itself. The day arrives when the bottle is opened, the connoisseurs are there, awaiting the taste upon there lips. First they allow the wine to breathe, swirling the nectar ever so gently. Then they take in the aroma. Finally, with intense desire,  they partake in the assimilation of this gift and drink it into their very being.  Ah, and then to speak about the notes, the nuances, the finish, the tannins, the grapes. Over this anticipated bottle of ambrosia they talk and connect and reveal themselves in collected fashion.

So it is with wisdom shared. There are seekers wandering, not even knowing they need this wisdom. You are there, somehow magically brought to the exact same space as they. You begin to connect and mingle, a moment is presented. In this moment, communication and knowledge is transferred, and TA DA.....the wisdom is taken into the very being of the person so thirsty for it.  A life can be changed in this single moment.
Magic Moments... Miracles Manifested!

Allow your Dreamer and your Fool to be honored parts of your soul. The Innocence they possess becomes the Wisdom you own, thus birthing your inner Sage.

Congratulations......may I offer you a cigar?

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