Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Losses Pale Before the Winnings

Allowing Growth

It is a challenge to grow, accept the gifts you have been given and to allow yourself to own it all. It really is all we need do, yet to be human is to deny ourselves and our wisdom on many levels.
In this song, you can feel Dan's acceptance of himself, his gifts, his walk. It feels like he owned them fully and realized it is not ego to allow them, rather the loss of ego that allows the acceptance to occur in the first place.

The story of Icarus is of a young man trying to escape his life.He was warned about flying too close to the sun with his wings made of wax and feathers. He chose to ignore the warnings of his father, and attempted his goal of nearing the sun, and he fell to his death.
Perhaps, if his wings were made of another substance, he would have continued his ascent and remained in his lofty space, flying unencumbered. Perhaps his journey was one of trust, we will never know what could have been, we only know he TRIED.

A story like this can cause you to say, "See, he died, he screwed up, it killed him" However, we do not know what he learned on that flight, what his view was from the sky as he looked down upon the sea, the land and felt the freedom of weightless flight. Perhaps this was his destiny....... to FLY!!!! Perhaps it was fulfilled, perhaps he had achieved the wonder and realization of who he was meant to be in that one excursion.

Are you meant to fly, are you meant to spread your wings? Perhaps there is a reason you feel the winds of change tugging at your wings, a reason you feel the trade winds guiding you to trust, to accept...to own those wings and FLY!!

Is a life of being stuck on the ground what you want., or are you meant to soar above this lower vibrating plane and discover your true home up high, among the clouds, the birds and among true freedom?

Fly, be free, be brave, be willing.

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