Monday, May 19, 2014

Dan's Lore

Do not mourn
In my demise
Please, I want you to realize
Mine was a life
Lived fully

I sang from mountainous peaks
I sang love songs to my siren sea
I loved ladies and respected men
I reminded you to honor the now, the then

Rejoice that I was here
That I found you all in my rear view mirror
After I drove off into my sun's setting
And you...sang myself to me, in your melodic vetting

So, please no mourning
Instead, embrace the joyful knowing
That you are fully alive
As I was. Live, love, thrive!

Sing and love and learn
As the seasons and the cycles turn
Find yourself, also turning
Wiser, lighter; and in your learning
Write you own songs, find your own voice
It's your life, you are gifted with choice

I chose life at the fork in the road
I wrote of my travels so they could be told
From my deep soul to the depths of yours
Life affirming and loving lore
Is what I gave as a gift to the world
Until the day my Icarus like wings unfurled
And I was lifted away and high
Today, I whisper to you all..... "goodbye"

Say hello to your own inner wisdom
Use the crystal knowledge of your life as a prism
Shine into the world your own gentle warnings
And, please, rejoice..... let go the mourning


  1. Wow! You are so very deep and you are loved.

  2. Rear view mirror..that is just awesome imagery..i lov the melodic vetting..such unique expression of feeling..sweet Harmonious does totally warms the nape of my neck.. and calms the storms of my soul on this reflective day of dan..♡

    1. ..miss u, my sweet & soulful friend..just like the Ring u gave me, which I wear, proudly...I send u L♡VE +

    2. Awww, hi sweetie! Much love is sent to all of you, not just the ring finger! <3

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