Monday, September 10, 2012


The reality of life pales to the truth of our dreams..why then, do we fear them so much? To honor a dream in its youth is the proper thing for us to jump in when our creative juices are spicy with the enthrallment of adrenaline. But, because we deny ourselves.....we wait and think of reasons why our dream should sit in the dark like a dirty little secret. We convince ourselves it needs to wait, we need to wait, it's not the right time....blah, blah, blah.

I was guilty of this behavior for years myself, so there is no judgement here....simply empathy.

Please know this......your dreams, your desires, your passions are there for a specific assist you in being you. You are the ONLY person who can bring them to full reality. So if you shelve them you shelve yourself....really consider this, think about it process it.....Please.

There's really no way to say no to on this morning, may you let them rise, breathe them in and exhale all that they are out into the world.

If you can be brave enough for one breath, you can do it again and again until breathing is easy, and exhaling is a gift you welcome and live with ease as well!

Come on, morning....

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