Saturday, September 15, 2012

Care Enough To Not Care

A country in the headlock of fear and manipulation. That's us. Such division is seen here now in this supposed most powerful place in the world. Ugh....

I have finally owned that I need to step back from politics. In my visions I have seen a great fall for our nation, perhaps the world structure as well. I have seen food lines and rubble in the streets, and heard cries of wallowing and despair, from all factions. I have also felt these events bringing a leveling effect, a more common ground for us all to stand upon....even if it has been partially destroyed. In a crisis, we may be able to allow true connection for longer than 2 months. I am hopeful...with much trepidation.

My soul knows we need to do we do that? Ah, yes....when there is a tragedy of epic proportion. We then come together and join forces to cry about how patriotic we are, how much we love each other and how we are going to get those bastards that got us hawwwwww.

I could go on, but I can feel frustration building.......I know which way I am voting, I know how I feel about other humans here on the planet. I also know, that once the shit hits the fan I will be there, with my brethren picking people out of the rubble, brushing them off and helping them stand, eat and walk.....regardless of their status, their income, their political affiliation, the color of their skin. I won't care about their sexual orientation, if they tithe at church, if they go to church....if their kids got into the prestigious day care downtown, etc, etc, etc...I will extend my hand as I do now to all, always.

How about you? Join me? Or are you too afraid, too good for me, would you have to ask me if I am Pro Life, Or Pro Choice, or if I think it's acceptable to be raped in some instances? Would you want to know if I think Obama was born in this country? Would you care that I am a hippie at heart that wants everyone to live their purpose in this life? Would you  hold me in this moment of need, or would you fear that I was HIV Positive and could possibly infect you? Would you want to know if I paid my taxes, or did I know about that loophole? Would you care enough to not care about those things in a moment of great desperate need? I like to think that all humans could answer yes to that last question. However, I am sure that is not true. How sad.

Where does the fear die as the commonality shines through? Will we ever again stand united in this place of supposed power?

Think about it...

Can power and fear coexist? I embrace my power as compassion for those who are here now, in this time, this place in herstory will always be LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, PEACE...yeah, and mostly HARMONY.....with the Earth, and our walk here.

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