here in the dark of early morn
Lost in the past that led no where
Hope died and I cried and now I pen this eulogy
Fire burn of transformation not of my hand or even yours
Transmuted the place we were
Somehow I forgot to let it all go
I denied the honor of the process
Today I open my hand and release the dove of pieces
Hope passed away.. yet I attempt to live the memory of it, still
Hope died and I cried and now I pen this eulogy
Had it ever lived?
This hope that I grieve for now
Was the frenzied fantasy ever to become a reality
Did my longing for the outcome make it a possibility
Or was it dead from the glorious beginning
Was there ever a beginning
Was there only an inevitable end
Hope passed away... yet I attempt to live the memory of it, still
Hope died and I cried and now I pen this eulogy
Today I attend the sobering, somber service to say good bye
to hope
to possibilities
to the beginning
and in the wondering wake of it all... I say hello
to the end of the journey
I say hello to myself
once again
I revive the her I was before
Before hope took me to an end
as dead as she is now
Be on your way...hope
Heal us who have known you
If only for a moment as perfectly imperfect
as any moment could ever be
or could never.... be
Hope, fly away to your destination far from
my aching hollowed heart
If you find your wings again...may you travel a sky
blue and filled with the billowy clouds
of acceptance and connection
May you be free to land and take flight at will
And may you grace the unions of those
who can allow you
To my new beginning I say "Welcome"
Hope passed away..and today, I accept this fact, this stinging truth
Hope died and I cried and now I pen this eulogy
in the dark of early morn
My mission lit by the bright beaming soul bath of the moon
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