Monday, August 20, 2012


He was running, faster and faster, his pulse pounding in his ears...looking behind him every now and again...."oh, good, they will not catch me tonight."

The dark and dank night held him hostage like this so often as he sank into what he hoped would be a peaceful slumber.....he craved it so. Instead, his mind brought him to the depths of his tarnished soul as its repeated torment rang out in his nightmares. It seemed he experienced them in daylight now as well; as he relived the intensity and immense fear they conjured up. He searched for and prayed for relief from this horrid existence.

Tonight his torture took him to the deepness of water, he was lost and alone in the dark, salty sea. Attempting to see anything in the darkness and stillness he was surrounded by. The panic began to set in and his pulse began its regular routine; the pace picking up, that redundant beat in his ears. He felt dizzy and disoriented, about to scream when he remembered he was underwater, he could not open his mouth.

As he felt himself about to give in, and give up, finally to be released from his continual pain, he felt a hand take his. He was jerked into the awareness of racing to the surface. As they broke through the waves, he gasped and breathed in hard, it hurt and ached in his lungs so much. He could not see who had saved him.......he did not care, really. They reached the sand of the beach,  he was dragged up onto the safety of the  sand and laid out on his back. The night felt comfortable and warm; he could make out the twinkle of the stars far off in the cloudless night sky above him.

Attempting to focus his eyes and come out of his hysteria, he caught a glimpse of her shape, "a woman"? he wondered "A woman saved me"? She hovered over him, making sure he was alive....she knelt beside him and leaned in, listening for the cadence of his breathing. Her wet hair brushed his face, she smelled of the sea and the surf and the promise of tomorrow's sun. He wanted to reach out to her, to speak, but he was unable to form the words. His pulse quickened again, for another reason this time and he reveled in how alive he felt. Returned to this place from the deepness of his despair, he sank into the sand beneath him.

As soon as she had come, she was departing.......he watched her slowly and seductively walk into the lush and tropical landscape that nestled around them. Just before she disappeared, the moon graced her form once more, and his soul cried out to be near her. He lay there, completely still, entranced.... summoning all of his strength... finally able to utter one word...


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