Friday, August 31, 2012

DAN in our DNA

Soon, we will gather to share the joy we have all come to know, and yes, the sorrow that is always below the surface.

A family not of blood, but of soul.....My soul family, yours. All knowing the same thing at our core, we love each other and we have come together because of our love of Dan. That simple, that deep and real, that miraculous.

It truly blows me away on a regular basis when I realize what a miracle this we get to live over and over as it matures and manifests magically.

Today, my Danspiration is short and sweet. But the message it sends stretches as far and wide as the Rocky Mountains I am enveloped by right now as I write this.

We are all a part of each other.

See you in the sweet, crisp country air, family....heart on my sleeve, arms around you, the feast of faces and freedom ours.......again.

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