Friday, August 17, 2012

Nathan meets the Family

Nathan felt light and peaceful throughout his entire body, mind and soul. Marena had circled around behind him and leaned into his body so he could feel her there. Sending another whisper to his soul, she asked him “Would you like to meet the rest of the family?” “Hell yeah”, he responded. Their view cleared and widened then within their meditation and Nathan realized that they were surrounded by Humpbacks. 3 adults and 2 juvenile whales were visible at varying depths and distances. Again, he was so taken by the grace and elegance of these enormous creatures. He could see the juveniles being nuzzled by the adults; it reminded him of his own mother.  There was still a small void in his heart, he missed his mom.

His pulse quickened, and he felt so alive with awareness and curiosity. There was a palpable calm in the massive circle created by Marena’s true family. There was such a feeling of connection and respect. The entire ocean resounded with energy and sounds, all melding into a blend so harmonic; he actually felt lifted and supported by it.

He turned to check on Marena, and noticed she was nowhere in sight. Searching completely around, above and below himself, he was unable to find her. He remained calm, for he knew she would not leave him here alone, he knew she honored him so deeply. At that very moment, he felt an incredible surge of energy below him as a massive white figure came quickly from the depths.  The song emitting from this pristine sea creature was so beautiful, he found himself humming along with it. How did he know the melody?

The white whale glided by him and winked at him as she headed to the surface. Full on, shooting to the place where the surf meets the sky, she broke the surface, and launched into the most seductive movement he had ever witnessed. She breached fully, her beautiful body full out of the water and then came crashing down with a deep vibration that shook him to his core. He felt himself be lifted to the surface as well. Enjoying the freedom of this meditative flight, he too broke the surface, straight into the bright sun of day. He allowed himself to stretch his body mimicking what the whale had done, and as he fell back to the ocean, he awaited the splash and buoyant return to the salty sea he also felt so at home within.

Startled awake, he found himself back in his bed where he had been before Marena's siren call had taken him on this amazing adventure. His first thought was of the whale, and how seductive and beautiful she was.  He felt a deep stirring, a fire in his loins and he realized his manhood was so hard and erect. Touching himself and rubbing his hands along his shaft, he began to ache for and crave Marena….her soft curvy body, her breasts and hips, and her smell. She had always smelled of the wispy sea air…….why had he not paid attention before?

 A whisper emitted from his hot and ready lips….”Marena……Marena come to me”
From her seat in the safe sand far away she whispered back to him , “Soon Nathan, I will be next to you very soon”
Nathan smiled, letting loose a deep groaning sigh as he found himself moving back to his hard and pulsing desire. Imagining her there, he set about loving himself as she would….enjoying it so much, the sweet release causing him to cry deep tears that needed to be released for sooooo long. He fell asleep then, asking to return to the sea in his pending dreams.

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