Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The girl I was is the woman I have become

I was in conversation with a friend concerning peace and my pursuit of it in my life, she in hers, and the fact that it really confuses us; how humans can hurt each other so blatantly.

When I lived in San Francisco, it was my hope that I would be able to join the many protests that were so prevalent in the city. I had always been a bit sad that i was not born 10 years earlier, so i could have been a larger part of the 60s. Here i was in the city that had been such a hub for the prospecting of peace, love and yep.....HARMONY!

The troubling thing was, the protests occurred when I was working most of the time, and seldom was I able to participate. After much personal processing I realized that is was not my gig to be involved, no matter how much I craved purpose was to assist the birth of a person's truth, this is what I was to focus on. And, as I now know at my core, we are all here to become aware of what our mission is, then make a choice around it. We are empowered to make the choice to live that purpose or not, plain and simple, complex and complicated.

To fight no align with our be what we came here to be, this is the reason we are here. Seems silly sometimes, right? Why don't we just know our purpose from the beginning, and get it done early in our lives? Why do we have to learn it along the way?

I offer this to you....we DO know when we get here, but it is covered up with fear and resentment and the pursuit of money and material objects......we stuff it down deep. The fear often begins at home, with our parents who are just trying to raise us and get us through school, and onto college....blah, blah, blah. We become their fears, doubts and their hopes and dreams. 

It is human to deny ourselves, and in this denial we often take advantage of others, and their trust.  We don't want to do this, it just kind of we face the battles in our lives. Before you know it, you are unrecognizable to yourself.

Finally, after decades of life, if we hear the call within us,  we do the work to come to the realization of who we truly are. In this aware place, we realize.....the dreams and hopes and innate knowing of the little kids we were become our focus once again.

When I was a kid, I loved the sea, I ached for peace, I studied the ways of Indigenous Tribes. And I just knew I was connected to the Earth, the Sky and all of the creatures that dwell here with us. This is where I am today.....full circle, back to myself. 

Where are you?

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