Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh DEER!!!!

 Repost from November, 2011

As some of you know, I was driving to Wisconsin yesterday while listening to Dan on the ipod and being amazed by the beautiful snow covered branches that had bowed down their heads to the winter. The snow storm that hit Minnesota the day before altered my travel plans, and I was forced to postpone my trip. On this particular day, I was entranced by the gray skies and the stunning virginal whiteness of the frozen branches welcoming the morning.

Since our DanFam gathering in Peoria this past August, there have been certain songs of Dan's that I have paid more attention to. One of those songs is "Run for the Roses". Two of my new DanFam sistahs live in Western Kentucky, and this song makes me think of them......"In Western Kentucky on wobbly knees". Love you, Doris and Amy!

So, I am driving along, listening to RFTR,and visualizing the scene of this young horse being with his mama and living surrounded by the green splendor of his pasture home. Then, all of a sudden, I found myself in a vision of a past memory when I was on a canoe excursion with friends and a deer crossed the river directly in front of us at great speed. We were all speechless and sat in wonder within the canoe, amazed to be honored this way. I could feel the summer day, see the people I was with, it was a transport back to that time.

At this precise moment, I glanced over to my left while driving; just in time to see a young buck running at top speed through the field. Needless to say, he was headed right for the highway on which I was driving, I estimated his ETA quickly and began to slow down the car, while looking in my rear view mirror to see if any cars were behind me. I was the only possible target.

The deer ran directly in front of me, if I had not slowed down we would have indeed connected in some way, it could have been really ugly. The deer continued on his journey, probably as freaked out as I was!  I knew that Dan had warned me of the impending danger of deer meets car." Thank you, Dan" I thought, as I sat in wonder and amazement at being honored this way.

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