Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We Weren't Finished!

Looks like there is some unfinished writing around this song! This is the first time the same song has come up twice in a row.

Yesterday I wrote about make believe from my stand point. I am led today to ask you some questions....
1. Who determines what you believe in your life? Your upbringing? Your religion? Your peers? YOU?
2. Are you willing to look at your beliefs now and again to see if they still "fit"?
3. Are you able to stand for what you do believe in?
4. What have you learned from what other people profess they believe?

Please ponder these possibly perplexing questions. Perhaps your pondering will reveal important information about what make believe means to you.

May you understand your true self on a deeper level by going inward for reflection often.


  1. Wow! I love your mind! You make it tough on a person!
    1. I will have to admit that my beliefs have been influenced many times by the people around me....my Mother instilled a lot of them....the ones I still hold onto...at least most of them. So, yes, my upbringing. But I think as I have grown and discovered my true self, my beliefs are determined by me....with a good smattering of those I respect and admire influencing me as well. (hint, hint, TS)
    2. I don't know it this is good or not, but some of my beliefs have changed completely over the years, there being some years that I wasn't sure WHAT I believed! I have been up and I have been down, but in the long run, I have returned to my most basic belief that being a loving and generous person,treating others as you would wish to be treated, is the root of everything. And if there comes a day when I am shown something new to believe in....I am always open to new experiences!
    3. To the last (wo)man!
    4. That sometimes the louder they talk the less they really believe....I don't think I will ever become old enough to understand that many have no direction or goal in their lives and MOST do not think like I do! Maybe I do live in a make-believe world, and as some say, maybe I do wear blinders to believe that there is still a lot of good in the world......but it works in my universe....for let me show you my "make-believe" and help to make you believe!

  2. Wow!!!amazing information there, Melissa! ✌❤
