Thursday, September 29, 2011

The leaves.....leave

I found many leaves this weekend while walking gently upon the wooded body of my mother Gaia.
These leaves that leave their  lofty post each year and float down to the hard ground, resting there, rotting....and in their rotting, providing a lush beginning for other life, other organisms that will feed upon them. How noble a cause, how peaceful an shade us all for many long, hot and steamy months, and then to gracefully fall, fall down to depths unknown. In the falling, new life is given the chance for an existence also.

Thank you, feathers of the trees, for honoring your station in this life... cycle after cycle, year after year.

We can learn so much from your graceful exit, your inspired leaving, your honor of your purpose and your mission.

Ah, to be like the leaves of the trees.....

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