Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Glimpse is Ours....

I am still real raw from the planning, the journey, the meeting, the bonding, the loving and the leaving. It has been almost a week since I have written......I just needed time to honor the whole experience. And I know this cycle will continue until the flow returns and the pace quickens around my blog again. I welcome the time to process and heal and mostly show my gratitude for this amazing connective gift!

Something shifted for me while sitting at the concert on Saturday night. I saw Dan's eyes and felt his wisdom beaming out from that gorgeous poster that welcomed us all that night......thank you, Deb! And I heard a personal message for myself that I am also assimilating into my life.

Today, as I sit outside in the still Sunday morning, warmed by the fire reestablished from last evening, I feel a true connection to the messages sent in these last two Danspirations. Both of these songs are about family, and struggle.

We have been given the most sacred of gifts..... a  beautiful glimpse of the man we adore for so many reasons. And I strongly KNOW that he is sending the message that while we have bonded and have become a family of connection, he needs us to know that our family is not HIS family of origin. We must honor the separation as well as the connection.....we MUST honor the need for privacy that Dan craved and still does,  even to this day....... always. He wants us to know he is humbled, and even a bit confused about our deep commitment to him and his art. He honors that we need this in our lives, so he asks that we continue to honor that which is his alone. His life, his privacy, his peace and serenity as well as that of ALL his forefathers, ancestors and those still here walking the planet on a physical plane.

A glimpse of the soul connection is the truth we honor, the only place he allows us to tread and we MUST do this with respect and some loving detachment.

As I continue to heal and reflect, I know you do as well.......take the time you need and know................... one day we'll all understand! ;)

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