Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good Medicine...

The heart, such an incredible organ. It never ceases, it pumps and provides 24/7, 365 on and on and on. It is powerful, productive and a miracle, only one of so many miracles we carry inside us.

The only time we ever really give it away is if we die and have chosen to become organ donors (please do) and can share our heart, this organ with another human; possibly allowing them to live. The greatest gift one can give to another, LIFE!

Why then, when we fall in love, do we assume we give away something so precious?  Of course, it still beats within us, but so often in songs, or prose the assumption is made that another person, or a relationship can own something that is ours alone?

Let me clarify the harmonic concepts!  When you love someone and they love you in return, you gain something, you do not give over your entire being. Yes, I believe in soul mates, I believe we have many along our path as it intersects with the paths of others. Some are friends, mentors, some are indeed lovers and companions on higher levels. I believe in contracts of the soul to some degree, that certain souls travel lives with us over and over. This is the  case with some of my family in Peoria. We are returned to a life together to continue to move forward from a new beginning. Unfortunately, it can take a lifetime to recall this. It is all good, when you get there, be there. It's always a good time to move forward, right? Families wait, love knows no time restraints.

As I have written before, humans need to change the paradigm around love if we are indeed to vibe up to the true vibrations that await us all.  If you believe in evolution, have you noticed that since we came along it stopped, as if we are the best design, we are the tops? Ha! Sorry, I can not buy that. We are not the top of anything.
If you believe in creation and we really are like God, then we are so powerful we have only tapped into a very tiny bit of it. If we are God, then we need to be God, right? Either way, we are only a small part of the true power we carry. We need to evolve, or we need to God up, yes?
It's time to integrate the power on all levels. Love seems like as good a place to begin as any.... if you ask me. (you didn't, but I have your attention, so read on, please!)

So, if I have a point in my rambles today, I would say it is this: Empower yourself in all ways, and especially in love, do not fall into it, fly to it, you fall into a hole, yes?  True love frees you, so fly, damn it, let the wings spread fully! Stop fearing love, it's just not cool anymore, people!

Be the love, speak it, celebrate it, allow it, join inside it and connect your heart with the other person you have found.  Instead of giving your heart away,  blend it with your lover's heart, thus adding to each heart! Then love becomes medicine, the best medicine you have ever known. A natural high of epic proportion!

Thus ends the rambling.... go spread your wings, fellow human....

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