Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dancing Fire...

Wrapped in the soft blanket, sitting silently near the hearth, fire dancing; her mind retraced her past. Knowing that tomorrow, she would be sharing the deepness of that past with others, she was pensive and reflective. Paging through the details, she stopped to gaze upon a a memory now and again as if it were a photograph returning her gaze. Smiling at times, grimacing and laughing at others, the tears of reality there in the corners of her eyes always in this journey backwards. Those tears have become revered mentors as she moves forward in this life she is crafting.

What would she have done differently, now that the dramas have played out?... she wondered. Hearts were broken, trust trampled, established love on hold while new love grew; it was all so real and intense. She had decided to place herself first for the very first time back then, and there were consequences.

Time and process had indeed brought her full circle, love restored, hearts repaired, trust triumphing once again. Perhaps the course she took was the only true course she could take. In the knowing is great responsibility, knowing on levels higher than others is a blessing and a curse.  Today, she owns this truth as she stares into the leaping flames of the fire, she feels the same warmth in her soul, now. She took the path, she owns it here, now.

Turning the final pages of this book of her past, she rests her grateful gaze on the memory picture of herself now. Connected to her truth, smile on face, heart well seated, in the process of courting her self and discovering the continued depth of her life. Swaying back and forth so slightly, the blanket surrounding her, holding her, she smiles............eyes on the embers and the flames of the dancing fire. She feels her soul begin to slowly dance as well. A waltz, sweet and slow, she glides to the next experience, ready and reflective.

1 comment:

  1. Tust in The Process - I see that you do;)
